Magnumm 1500mL
1.5 Litre
The Brut Réserve is a light, fine and harmonious champagne. It is made up of a blend of Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Pinot Meunier from three different years and sourced from the best sites in the Champagne region.
Appearance: With reflections of straw yellow, this cuvée is recognisable by the finesse of its slowly rising bubbles and its persistent and plentiful mousse.
Aroma: There is a maturity with a touch of floral freshness for this cuvée, which expresses aromas of fresh fruit and ripe pears.
Palate: A full and precise flavour followed by a fine freshness and a rich bouquet bear witness to the ageing of this cuvée in the House’s traditional cellars.
Tasting: The ideal partner for every occasion. It is perfect as an aperitif and can be enjoyed with a wide variety of dishes.
Serve at: 8°C
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